"I'm your friend 'til the end! Hidey-ho, ha ha ha!"
Inside the Box had the absolute pleasure of creating an animated bumper TV spot for Syfy and USA Network's brand-new CHUCKY series. Taking inspiration from wacky toy commercials of the 80s, including the fictional Good Guys commercial from the original Child's Play film, writer/director Sam Kellman crafted a cute but creepy piece of franchise-based media that is sure to put a twisted smile on your face.
Sam had the honor of being able to work with an incredible animation/art department on this project:
Lily Omundson - Storyboarding/Background Artist
Sonny Santana - Lead Animator
Craig Kellman - Character Design
These talented individuals were truly up for the challenge when it came to busting this piece out within a very short turnaround time, and ultimately succeeded!
We hope you enjoy checking out this animated display of goofy gore and comedic carnage, as it's now available to watch online at the link below, as well as airing regularly on the Syfy channel.
Link to Syfy Wire article:

Below you'll find some original concept art and animatic work for the bumper. Enjoy!